Monday, 7 November 2011

After Congress, Anna Hazare guns for LK Advani

Ralegan Siddhi, Nov 8: After hurling his constant attacks on Congress for their poor governance and inability to curb corruption in the society, Anti-corruption crusader, Anna Hazare is now gunning for LK Advani who is on his Jan Chetna Yatra against corruption.

The septuagenarian attacked LK Advani for BJP's failure to bring a strong Lokpal Bill in states ruled by BJP despite of the fact that Advani was on a anti-corruption yatra and also clarified that his take on corruption and constant attacks on Congress did not mean that he was against the party.Anna Hazare
Hazare had earlier lauded Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, BC Khanduri's attempts to introduce a strong Lokayukta in the state, but he lashed out at other BJP states for not doing the same.

Meanwhile, silencing critics over the issue of rejig in his team, Hazare on Nov 7 confirmed that his Team Anna would undergo restructuring.

However, Hazare dismissed allegations that some core team members of Team Anna would be kicked out. He also confirmed that the representatives of all religious minorities that included dalits, tribals would form a part of his team to strengthen their fight against corruption.

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